A Woman’s Place – Film
Director: Rayka Zehtabch.
Director: Rayka Zehtabch.
There is a big problem of gender inequality in America's professional kitchens, so we partnered with Vox Media and Oscar-winning director Rayka Zehtabchi to create a short film, "A Woman's Place,"documenting the lives of three women chefs in the middle of the struggle. The film was picked up by Hulu and is currently streaming.
We also partnered with the James Beard Foundation to create a mentorship program that can help close that big gap.
We also partnered with the James Beard Foundation to create a mentorship program that can help close that big gap.

Our Becoming by Melania-Luisa Marte
Femenina Divina – Angelica Maria Aguilera
Mi Gente – Carlos Andres Gomez
My People My Power – Anthem
Director: Kris Merc
Sound: Baterisma
Sound: Baterisma
We partnered with these 3 spoken word artist and paired them up with Facebook Groups to create original poems that spoke about their background and the strenght they get from their community.

We also brought in Latinx illuatrators and artists from different backgrounds to help bring the poems to life.

Director: WAFLA
This campaign hits on the real value of Facebook Groups. You can do anything if you have people that have your back.
360 Interactive discoverable experience to visually represent you can do anything with the support of your group.

House Plant Hobbysts Facebook Group

Facebook Groups

Knitting For Beginners Club Facebook Group
Director: Rick Darge
In this three episodes Melissa Villaseñor gets help from real Facebook Group members as they share same passions and come together to show the true power of groups.
Directors: Hoffman & Metoyer
Yours for the Making Anthem